Sweet Potato Blender Pancakes

Hi friends! 

You would think, as a nutritionist and having been a little bit neurotic in introducing foods into my baby’s diet, he would love a variety of foods. I did everything I knew in preparing him for loving all of the nutritious foods, yet he loves to throw it back at me or scowl and scream while we battle it out. And yes, he’s only 21 months old…

I have been frantically trying to find ways to sneak vegetables into his diet, being creative as I can. He is one stubborn soul (he doesn’t get it from me)! I’ve tried just leaving it on his tray, eating it in front of him, making it a game, you name it… The only thing I’ve found that works is sneaking it into pancake or baked goods and smoothies. 

Enter these pancakes! I sneak sweet potatoes and spinach into them and you can’t even tell. I have kids who either have to eat the food, or run laps if they choose not to and I have a full panel of thumbs-ups from each one of them for these.

Also, I make a TON at one time and keep them in the freezer. 

They are packed with vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, iron, and vitamin K – all pieces of the puzzle to reduce inflammation, improve vision, and provide better cardiac and brain function.

Try these babies out and let me know if they work for you, and if they are a keeper in your meal rotation! 

Extra Tidbits

  1. I make my own oat flour to save $$$ by throwing quick oats into a high-powered blender.
  2. The steamed sweet potato I prep by rubbing down sweet potatoes in coconut oil when they are on sale and roasting them for 1 hour at 400F. Then, I store them in my freezer to be thawed for any kind of baking I might want to do.
  3. Make sure to use a good amount of coconut oil in the cooking process. I left an oil out of the pancakes to lighten them up, so using the coconut oil in the cooking process helps them a bit. 
  4. I use a vanilla flavored protein powder in this recipe.
  5. This recipe will make 16 medium-ish pancakes.

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